Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Oh, Deer...

This whole deer image thing began last summer when I went up to Pennsylvania to shoot some night images based on two places I lived....one as a child, and when an adult, a house in a potato farming community. While at the farm house, as I looked through the house as it was now, a new family living there, of course, the den sported a stuffed deer head on the wall. I photographed it during the daylight, and much later, when back home, I combined the image with one of me shot outside, also in the daylight, peeking from behind a barn door, and created what is known as a "day for night" image.

I didn't think much about deer again until just a few months ago when my new neighbor invited me to his house and there on the floor, awaiting their place on the wall, were two stuffed deer heads.....I'm not a hunter, nor do I find the idea of decorating with taxidermy, but over the years, deer have come to me in meditations occasionally, leading me to understand that they are my animal guides, or totems. If you want to read more about the deer as a totem you can click http://blueapples.ca/articles/animal-totem/deer/ to read about it.

So anyway, I got a visceral rush looking at them as well as being very uncomfortable knowing they were dead, but really wanted to photograph them. I called my photog friend in Richmond about what I found, and how I wanted to photograph them..... he wanted to come up and help out with the lighting.... (Thank you, Richard.)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trapped Spirits - Part 2

Art, by it’s nature examines, challenges, reflects, informs, imagines.

We attempt to change society/culture with poetics…..shifting the mind of the viewer to crack open the shell of preconceived notions, complacency…Art attempts to present ways of shifting perceptions, even for a moment, into a new way of seeing or understanding.

My photographic explorations mainly touch on confronting that which is concealed, hidden, masked. I’m of the belief that only by knowing our deepest intrinsic nature, our essential Self, can we cut through the illusions of our world with all that it brings with it.

I believe objects are imbued with an intrinsic vibration/energy when created and it is amplified over time by interaction with people or environments . Dolls and figurines that are associated with human forms are perfect totems or talisman that often reverberate with energy absorbed or infused by being played with, or being placed for a period of time on a shelf or table in a room of a home.

Sometimes love and feelings of nurture and positive power of healing emanate from objects….and sometimes fears and pain are trapped within. By observing that which is uncomfortable within ourselves we have the opportunity acknowledge that darkness and dispel it with the light of understanding.