Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Trapped Spirits: (What) Lies Within

I believe objects are imbued with an intrinsic vibration/energy when created  and it is amplified over time by interaction with people or environments. Dolls and figurines that are associated with human forms are perfect totems or talisman that often reverberate with energy absorbed or infused by being played with, or being placed for a period of time on a shelf or table in a home.
Sometimes love and feelings of nurture and positive power of healing emanate from objects….and sometimes fears and pain are trapped within. By observing that which is uncomfortable within ourselves we have the opportunity to acknowledge that darkness and dispel it with the light of understanding. Photographs © 2012 Ellen Giamportone All rights reserved.

Friday, September 14, 2012

India - Hampi - Doors

While in Hampi, India I was drawn to the wonderful colors and designs of doorways. Doors and doorways are not an unusual subject for people to photograph, but none the less,  early years of painting and love of design pulled my attention to these particular scenes.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!

Photographs © 2012 Ellen Giamportone All rights reserved.