Tuesday, September 16, 2008

First foray into blogging

Instead of working on putting together whatever it takes to get headshots and portraits going to make some money, I've gotten sidetracked today with finally starting this blog. The plan is to keep track of the process of what I'm doing as a fine art photographer as well as little forays into whatever is going on in my little teapot. Hopefully, I'll figure out how to add photographs into the postings or why else would I do this.....we'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ellen -

as I scrolled down to look at Roman's little face, I kept playing with the scrollbar because it seemed to me the most fascinating part of the picture is in the forehead + eyeborws with just a piece of the eyes showing--but which piece? Try it.

It seems all the innocence is captured in that area. xx

good luck wid da blog!